An online 10-part digital poem with Stephanie Strickland and video by Paul Ryan. slippingglimpse uses motion capture technology to apply the water’s movements captured in video, to parts of the poem. This non-interactive experience requires a true reading, from the visitor, who will see/read something different with every visit (or by clicking regenerate.) There are three modes of reading – “high rez” for a higher resolution viewing of the video, “full screen” for a closer reading of the text fragments, and “scroll text” for a dual reading of the video/poem and the poem-as-print.

A flash-based work, it can no longer be viewed online. We are working on creating a static archive of the piece, so please get in touch if you would like to view it.

Original web-based version of slippingglimpse

slippingglimpse | 2006 | Artwork | Comments (0)